
Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes

Created by Tony Casper (Spectre Creations)

The definitive tome of magic runes for 5th Edition! Unearth new races, lore, monsters, & more tied to your favorite languages! This is the Pre-order Store for the Kickstarter campaign – Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes: A Runic Expansion for D&D 5e. The prices and rewards (including Stretch Goals) are the same as during the campaign and are available until order quantities are locked in. ** 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Shipping fees will be calculated and charged SEPARATELY at a later date closer to fulfilment. After shipping fees are added in, you will be notified via email before you're charged. Placing a pre-order from this page constitutes an agreement that you have read and understand this. See the estimated shipping section near the bottom of the Kickstarter page for more.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Important Survey Update! (First surveys out Now!)
about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 07:05:12 PM

Happy Friday, folks. I've been working hard with BackerKit this week to resolve several issues that had arisen with the survey setup, and I'm very glad to say, they're ready to go!

Next Steps

"Smoke Test." To start, a random 5% of backers will receive their surveys—which are going out right! This is so we can sniff out any outstanding issues with the surveys, before they're sent out to all backers (nearly 4,000 of you!), and make any adjustments as necessary.

If you're in this group and have any issues with your survey, please reach out to me, either by messaging me here on Kickstarter or emailing me at [email protected]. I will be more than happy to help you, and it'll help the rest of your fellow backers as well!

If you're not in this first group, hang tight! Once any potential issues are resolved and I get the okay from BackerKit that all looks good, the rest of the surveys will be sent out! (This will probably be on Monday since BackerKit is out of the office for the weekend.)

Who Gets a Survey?

Once the rest of the surveys are sent out, every single backer will receive one, sent to the email address associated with your Kickstarter account. (If you need to change the email that you want to receive communications from me and BackerKit about this project, please message/email me.)

If your pledge failed to process here on Kickstarter, no problem! This will be your chance to fix it! You can still fill out your BackerKit survey and you'll be prompted to update your payment information there.

All backers MUST fill out this survey, or you won't be able to receive your rewards. If you have any physical rewards, you'll provide your shipping info here. If you have any digital rewards, completing the survey is necessary so you can receive a link via BackerKit to download your rewards as they're completed.

Digital rewards that will start being sent out immediately:

  • Celestial Font
  • Common Font
  • Deep Speech Font
  • Draconic Font
  • Dwarvish Font
  • Elvish Font
  • Giant Font
  • Halfling Font
  • Infernal Font
  • Nodal Font
  • Orcish Font
  • Primordial Font
  • Serpentine Font
  • Masters of the Gauntlet Compendium (July 2023 Release)

If any of the above rewards are part of your pledge, you should receive a link to a BackerKit downloads page within a few hours of completing your survey. This is where you will find all of your digital rewards that are currently available.

Shipping Will Be Charged SEPARATELY

I'll likely be saying this many times, but I want it to be super clear:

  • Your pledge here on Kickstarter covers the price of all your rewards and any add-ons you selected here. That's already paid (if your payment went through).
  • In the surveys, you'll be able to upgrade your pledge tier and/or select additional add-ons for your pledge. If the total exceeds what was processed already by Kickstarter, the difference will be charged via BackerKit shortly after filling out your survey.
  • Several months from now—likely not until Winter-Spring 2024—shipping rates will be finalized. This is when shipping will be charged, and I'll be sure to give everyone plenty of notice when that time is coming.

That's all for now. I'll be sending another update once the Smoke Test is complete and all the BackerKit surveys have been sent out! Have a great weekend!

– Tony

Survey Status Update + Infernal Dice Availability!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 08:43:48 AM

Hi folks! Just a quick update here to keep you all posted on the status of things.

BackerKit Surveys

Kickstarter has successfully processed the pledges for the campaign, and I'm working on the BackerKit surveys. With a project like this that has lots of reward options, this can be a rather complicated process because of how many possibilities have to be accounted for, but I'm well underway getting the surveys all set up for you.

I'm hoping to be able to have them sent out by the end of this week. If the setup process throws a few (more) curveballs at me, this may take a little longer, but I'll definitely have them out to you all within the next week.

“Rune-Dragon's Hoard” Tier Openings!

Two backers who had pledged at the "Rune-Dragon's Hoard (Infernal d20 Only)" tier unfortunately had to withdraw their pledge. But the good news is, that means there are now two slots open for anyone who missed out on the Infernal Dice but really wanted them!

These custom Infernal Dice are handcrafted by artisan dicemaker Lizardcat Creations—featuring the Infernal script from the book!—and are in a very limited quantity. Again, this is the "All-In" $450 tier that will receive the Infernal d20 as part of their pledge (not the full set).

Anyone who would like a chance to move up to this tier, please message me here on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected]. If more than two people message me requesting to move up, I will hold a random drawing to determine who the lucky winners are that get to claim these spots—the final slots to receive the Infernal d20s!

Kickstarter Shoutout

Some of you may remember seeing that Hos (aka, "The Dungeon Scribe")—who is contributing the fantastic Orcish "Storm's Herald" item to Caliya's Chronicle of Runes—is running a Kickstarter of his own: Dungeon Scribe's Magical Oddities—Item Tome for D&D 5e & BFR, which ends in less than 24 hours!

Hos has been a close friend of mine for years, and I'm so excited to be able to shine a spotlight on his stellar and creative art and design. Here's a note from him about the project:

Items should be Magical!

Dungeon Scribe’s Tome of Magical Oddities adds hundreds of fully illustrated and unique magical items for empowering your players to forge new stories.

Make sure to check it out at the link below!


That's all for now, friends! Next update will be notifying you the Surveys are being sent out! Exciting times. 😄

– Tony

Voter's Choice Poll Results!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 07:49:35 AM

Hi folks!

As per the $150k Stretch Goal we unlocked, the final race and language pairing for the book was determined by a backer poll, which ended last night. And the results are in!

This was a ranked choice-style poll, with each backer who cast their vote ranking the options 1 through 5—with 1 being their favorite and 5 being their least favorite. Each ranking was assigned a point value (1 = 100 points, 2 = 75 points, 3 = 50 points, 4 = 25 points, and 5 = 0 points), with the highest total number of points deciding the winner.

Without any further ado, the poll results:

  •  1st place: Asteroid Dwarf (Subrace) / Constellar (Language) – 83,350 points
  •  2nd place: Gnoll (Race) / Gnoll (Language) – 81,110 points
  •  3rd place: Ratfolk (Race) / Skitterspeak (Language) – 77,975 points
  •  4th place: Vegepygmy (Race) / Vegepygmy (Language) – 75,400 points
  •  5th place: Miremorph (Lineage) / Bloopsplat (Language) – 74,175 points

With both the highest number of points and the most #1 votes by a significant margin, the Astral Plane-themed language “Constellar” along with the Asteroid Dwarf subrace are the winners!

For posterity's sake, here are the brief descriptions for that winning pair:

          A very rare language spoken by long-term inhabitants of the Astral Plane. Its runic script bears a resemblance to patterned constellations.
  •  ASTEROID DWARF (Subrace)
          A line of dwarves who migrated to the Astral Plane long ago to mine resources from the chunks of rock (some of which are said to be the petrified corpses of dead gods) known to drift in the silvery void.

I've included a more detailed breakdown of the votes below:

Now, personally, I was genuinely very excited about the possibility of all of these options, but I understand that inherently, not everyone will be totally ecstatic with the result. Not the least of which, my collaborator Ryan, who really REALLY wanted the ooze-themed Bloopsplat language to win. Sorry, Ryan.

HOWEVER, I want to note here that these results are also being taken into account for a possible sequel book—because clearly there are still lots of languages and races people want that weren't able to be included in this first book. So know that none of your votes were cast in vain!

Next week, I'll start sending out the surveys to all backers via BackerKit, but there will be more details on all that in the next update. Thanks to all who participated in the poll! Very much excited as we embark on this journey together.

– Tony

Reminder: Voter's Choice Poll Ends Tomorrow!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 11:51:03 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Voter's Choice Poll + FAQs! (For Backers' Eyes Only)
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 04:51:53 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.